Kamis, 29 September 2011

Credit and translation : totfeet of Baidu Tieba's HyunMin Bar

Dears,  Much is regrettable when the need arises! I learnt Japanese a long long time ago but I have almost forgotten most of it, I’ll try my best to translate what I can because my Chinese is limited too, translation standard is just this level only, if you can’t read on then wait for more professional translation.

H: Hyun Joong, M:MinMin, Mgr: Manager, ( ) personal thoughts and opinions


(M walked towards H, H turned his head slightly to look at the camera, M seem to be aware of the camera’s presence, walked in a very careful way.  H kept looking at M till she walked up to him….)

H: Good morning (M laughed because this greeting seem funny to her.) You have gone down a lot (very softly, he even used his hand to cover)

M: Lotsa rest naturally will get thinner (M smiled bitterly and sounded like she has no choice~~these are my personal views, because there are cameras around H~)

M: Good morning (M said to Mgr[who came over to join them] repeating how H said it. Then here I can’t help it ~ M still seem unable to avoid cameras, very innocently wanted to tell Mgr that H pretend to greet like they are not familiar still.  At this moment Mgr and H looked at each other for a long time, H seem to be giving him some signals, then Mgr became aware that H is concern of the cameras started the awkward convo as follows....)

Mgr: Thinner? (He said this to H. Isn’t it so? Instead he put H’s question back to H?)

H: No, absolutely not thinner at all.

Mgr:  Not at all?

H: Definitely. Never gone down.

Mgr : Came a week before?

H: This time longer

M: There were earthquakes yesterday

H: Twice (Take note that each time H reply M is very fast)

M: Kept having earthquakes yesterday

Mgr: I wasn’t aware of it

H: Last nite

Mgr: I was drinking and waiting for my beer

M: Got to be sensitive to be aware

H: Right, usually I can sense it

M: Only I sense it?

Mgr: There were no quiet people around (should mean that there were only drinkers around him)

M: At 12.30am midnight, I think I was bathing… (M recalling what she was doing…H was very quiet, I am wondering what he was doing then)

Mgr: Really? How about other places? Nagoya?

M: Nagoya, Nagoya, seem like actually it’s Nagoya

H: This is nothing new

Mgr: I like the people of Japan (Manager tease H is a Japanese. He said to M: Why?)

H: Going to become another Japanese

M: When are you going back?

H: Day after

M: Day after?

H: You?

M: I’ll back tomorrow

(Getting ready for rehearsal…)

H: During rehearsal, music recording is too low

M: I will request to adjust it higher a little

H: The mike is also a little weak … ask me when it’s turn on….

M: I have heard about the mike problem

H: ….(Here H seem to be saying that the mike is a big problem and M laughed.  There are no sub here and I don’t understand Korean)

M: Need to do some adjustment

to be continued …..

BY; ~simplysomin~

Rabu, 28 September 2011


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Kamis, 22 September 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Update 05Sep!

Finally!!! Our dear princess update us thru her Cyworld!
And the pictures as usual are so freaking adorable!
So below are the pictures so you wont have to wait longer!

Below are the adorable pics Minnies!

팔불출이어도 좋아라

혓바닥 쏙

근데 엄마 폰 베고 자는거 아니에요~

OMG!! I often say that I miss MinMin like crazy but I realized
I almost cried when I saw the Cyworold pictures! 
Emotional much? Yeah I bit! Hahahaha!
But her updated pictures makes all the wait worth it!
The pictures are so freaking adorable!
MinMin as her usual lovely self!
And her dog is so cute!!! 
I suddenly wanted to post a pic of a dog but
 I remember I don't have a pet dog! LOL!
I love every pic in her update!!! 

Thanks MinMin for the wonderful update!
It surely made my day brighter than usual!

Look of LOVE?

Again, Please be reminded that this post is reserved to all the HyunMins. You have been warned.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of our soul. Our eyes is the best conveyors of our feelings. Sometimes just by looking in the person's eyes you could see and know how the person is feeling without saying a word. Personally, I do believe in that because the words the can come out in our lips can be a lie but the truth in our eyes can't be denied.

And speaking of expressing one self through the eyes it reminds of HyunMin so much. I know most of the HyunMins are still spazzing about the recent photos that were posts here and in the other sites that likes our adorable Playful Kiss couple.

But seeing these pictures makes me feel nostalgic and suddenly remember that I'ved seen those looks before.
To know what I mean lets go and see below.

In the Playful Kiss filming

This is one of scenes from the BTS of Playful Kiss
I wonder why KHJ is staring at MinMin, is there something in her face?
I doubt it!
Well, If I'm also in his shoes I might be staring at that beauty as well!

I know you need to look in love for the drama
but just looking at this photo makes me think that you're already are.

This picture alone is spazz worthy already!
Do I need to elaborate?
How cute it is that MinMin was staring at Hyun Joong?

In the Youtube Playful Kiss Presscon

Even their eyes are laughing!

I love how Hyun Joong's smiles while MinMin was talking
Maybe she's saying great things about Hyun Joong?

I love how MinMin looks at him!
As if she's saying something that Hyun Joong can't help but smile!

And this is what I call the Look of Happiness
Hyun Joong seem so happy to be with MinMin at that moment
You can clearly see the fondness for her in this eyes and smile!

The MBC Drama Awards

Hyun Joong just keep on giving our MinMin simple glances

He gives a simple glance and she returns it with a simple smile!

Quiet smiles and simple laughter says all the things that can't be said!

Did I say that this is one of my most favorite HyunMin pic?
If not, then I'm saying it now
Because it captures one simple moment yet so meaningful,
The look in Hyun Joong's eyes says it all....
And for me that's what I call the look of.......

Its fun to see those pictures again, looking at these makes me realize that even though I first fell in love with them as Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani in Playful Kiss but in the end
To whom I invested my love and support are with Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min.
And it's all worth it!

Jung So Min in 2011 Asia Model Festival Awards Pictures

And the "young goddess" did descent from Mt. Olympus but now she's disguised herself as a little fairy!
Wonder if she did put magic dust upon herself, 'cause she beautifully glowing!
Such a beautiful little fairy! Love it!

"Little fairy" So Min did attend the 2011 Asia Model Festival Awards so below
are the few pictures of her attendance to receive the Model Special Rookie Award!
MinMin was all smiles while receiving her award!
The Minnies are so proud of you MinMin!!!

MinMin glows so naturally!

So Min wears anothe statement shoes!

Your Minnies are so happy for you!

MinMin looks like so young and pretty! And she does wear another statement shoes!
Congratulations MinMin!
You're such a Daebak!

MinMin's Cyworld Background 21Sep!

Oh my dear princess thank you! 
Thank you for making your presence felt even though just 
thru your Cyworld in the meantime! 
As I do know your are quite busy to the rehearsal of you play!
Our dear MinMin did update her Cyworld with the background below! 

See it Minnies?

I know the background looks familiar right?
I think she did use it before, it seems like MinMin is fond of this background
The background have a bogoshipeo in the lower part
Maybe MinMin is trying to say that she misses us as well!
And just be patient with her comeback!

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Another PK BTS Pics!

And we have few BTS pictures once again! 
Well, some of it you might already seen version of these pictures before,
 but luckily these pictures are in much better quality.

So, enjoy the pictures guys!

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The first Dream Kiss between Beak Seung Jo
and Oh Ha Ni!

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I'm missing Mama Baek and Eun Jo
as much as I miss Ha Ni and Seung Jo!

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Practicing the lines for Episode 3 of PK YT webisodes!

This is added as this came from Red Hot Chili Mag!

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Cute as usual!

I'm hoping that Playful Kiss continue to reach greater heights in terms of
 airing to other countries!
This drama deserves all the love!
Missing you Playful Kiss!
Bring back our Seung Jo and Ha Ni!

MinMin's Random Pics!

Pictures, pictures, pictures!
Who wants pictures of our resident love MinMin?
Me, like! *raises hand!!!

While we wait for more news about Minmin,
 let's enjoy some of her pics which features her wearing  casual clothes 
and while the others are just plain close up of her beautiful face.

Below are the pics Minnies!!!

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Looking at these pics especially the 3 last pictures,
 MinMin looks so beautiful!!!


thank you very much for simplysomin, thank you very much, ..
I can not do anything about you,
I can only thank her for the greatest, for simplysomin!

~ GBU ~
~ABU ~

New O'live Travel Screencaps Pics!

Well, thanks to snowflakesj16 of soompi for the tip that the episode 9 of MinMin for O'live Travel have an extended version! Instead of the 30mins version, now its 45mins which now includes their arrival and sight seeing of cherry blossoms and few more things.

Also it includes a small visit to the room where MinMin and her bestfriend stays.
Luckily MinMin did share few of her personal things like her camera and her mini photo albums!
And she did keep picture of her of Hyun Joong and her other PK co-stars!

This is the link for the 45 mins episode 9 version! 

Below are the screencaps provided by the ever reliable snowflakesj16!

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I think this is MinMin with her friends!

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MinMin sharing her Mini photo albums!

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I'm seeing it correctly right?
Its Hyun Joong and MinMin right?

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Awwwwwwwww!!! Sweet!!! 

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Pictures of her PK co-stars!

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Ok, honestly! I almost squeal like a fangirl when I did see that MinMin keeps
 pics of Hyun Joong and her PK co-stars! 
Because it only means that they hold a special place in her heart!